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2.0 很差

分类:紀錄片 英國 2011

主演:理查德·哈蒙德 詹姆斯·梅 



《急速檔:大電影》是由知名导演未知执导的一部紀錄片,理查德·哈蒙德 詹姆斯·梅 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Cars! Film! Ca rs on   film! Film   involving cars! You  get the idea. It9;s basically a DVD involving those two th ings.    Ga sp as we  find the p erfect drift c ar for a gritty,  Bourne Identity-style chase! Ch eer as we stage a race for a  ll those unsun g heroes of the movie industry! Whoop as we find   the car that makes the pe rfect dram atic  exhaust note  to dub onto an action seq  uence! Make  some othe r sort of noise we haven't thought of ye t as we  re-attempt t he cl assic Ma n With The Golden Gu n barrel r oll, havi ng frankly made a t  otal hash  of it when we first  tried it on tell y! All this plus a v ast fleet of  sexy supercars an d a man wit h a jet pack rac ing a Skoda.  Top  Gear  At The  Movies. It& #39;s better than an actual movie. Probabl y. Actually,  it depends on  which movie we& #39; re talking about. Truth is, you'd be better judging  this on a case-by-c ase  basis. Why not write to us with the name of a fil m and we9;ll tell yo u whether  this  Blu-ra y is bet ter or not. Actually, on second th oughts, don&#  39;t  她朝两 边的贵宾席和下面的看台,团团一揖,“佐蒙人是肯定要杀我的,他们善用渗透之法,所以,林蹊在此恳请诸位前辈,诸位道友,看在我  也算为仙界立过一点功  劳的份上,一  起监督一下,在我未 晋天仙之前,不要让任何人,以任何理由,打断我在刑堂的工作。 

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