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終極伐木達人 第一季

9.0 力荐

分类:歐美綜藝 加拿大 2020

主演:Sarah Fleming Erik Wensto 



《終極伐木達人 第一季》是由知名导演未知执导的一部歐美綜藝,Sarah Fleming Erik Wensto 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Rea lity tv  show on th e History  channel. BIG TIMBER follows the dangerous work of  logger and sawmill owner Kevin Wenstob as he and his crew go  to extremes to ke ep t he family sawmill, and their wa y of life, alive. Kevin 's loggi ng a remote timber cla im high up the st eep, rugged slo pes of Klitsa Mounta in, deep in   the m ajestic heart of Vancouver I sland. It's home to   some of the best wood in the w orld  and Kevin's maki  ng a big bet to get it. The c laim has a thousand tru ckloads  waiting fo r him and his f irst goal is to get 200 truckloads off t he mountain before win  ter shuts him do wn, bu  t the mount ain won't give up w ithout a fight. That's only his first obstac le though, as he finds out close  to  winter that he has to clear  his whole cl aim,  all one thousand load s, a  s soon as he can g et back  up there in the spring. He'l  l be  stuck with millions of d ollars in penalties if  he can' ;t do i t. With his wife S arah, his son Erik, and his right -han d man Coleman by his  side, Kevin will do whatever it ta kes   to get that  big ti mber!  她朝两边的贵宾席 和下面的看台,团  团一揖,“佐蒙人是肯定要杀我的  ,他们善用渗 透之法,所以,林蹊在此恳请诸位前 辈,诸位道友 ,看在我也 算为仙界立过一点功劳的份 上,一起监督一下,在我未晋 天仙之前,不要让任何人,以任何理由,打断我在刑堂的工作。

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