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7.0 推荐

分类:紀錄片 其它 2018

主演:Janette Butlin Bridget Co 

导演:Tomas Krupa 


《美好的死亡》是由知名导演Tomas Krupa 执导的一部紀錄片,Janette Butlin Bridget Co 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  Terminally ill Janette wa  nts to die with digni ty, but it’s not pos sible in the UK, where she lives. She t herefore decides for  assisted suicide. She m ust plan  her j ourney to S witzerlan d before her rapi dly advanc ing disease makes it  impossible. T he question of whether we ow n our own lives or w  heth er they own  us is the primary impet us behind this docu  mentary portrai t, whi ch s hows that   death ca  n be good desp ite the sadness that always accomp anies it. The film, w ith dramatically  suggestive camera work, uses fea ture film tec hniques, and enga ging characters and stories of their loved ones are inte  rwoven with Janette’s s  tory.  "  Let';s talk about death be cause we will  all die s omeday. The question i s: can we choose when and how? I think we  should." T. K rupa   说到这里,她把她在幽 古战场好不容易拍来的宝物拿出,“师父 ,这是我们在大拍卖会上拍到的春月莲子,  一共有四十九枚,听云天海阁的朋友说,他们的宗主,以前就服 用过不少春月莲子,您试试看,有没有用,如果有用,我们以后多替您留意着。”



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