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分类:紀錄片 其它 2010


导演:Yael Hersonski 


《未完成的電影》是由知名导演Yael Hersonski 执导的一部紀錄片,未知等倾情出演,该片讲述了:   Yae  l Hersonski' s powerful documentar y achieve s a remarka ble feat  through its  penetrati ng look at another film-the n ow-infamous Nazi-produce d film about the Warsaw Ghett o. Discovered after the war, the unfinishe d work, w  ith no soundt rack, quickly became a resource for hist orians see king an authen tic re cord, despite its ela borate pr opagandi stic construct ion. The  later discovery  of a long-missing reel complicated earli  er readings,  show ing the  manipulations of camer a crews in these "everyday"  scenes. We ll-heel ed Jew s attending ele gant dinners and t heatricals (while callous ly ste pping over the dea d bod ies of compatriots) now appeare  d as unwilling, but com  plicit, ac tors, alternately fear ful an d in   denial of their looming fa te. ——Writte n by Sundance Film Festi val  从师父那 里,听过很多故 事的卫九锡看了眼正在上香的人,就接着八卦道:“我师父说,八臂神猿的地宫下,压的是万生魔神,那位魔神能 够分神万千,但有任何 一个分神在外,他都不可能死。所以,镇他之人,  必须是个意志坚定, 认了死理 后,绝不会被 外物影响的八臂神猿。 ”



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