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分类:戰爭片 俄羅斯 2022




《童話2022》是由知名导演亞曆山大·索科洛夫 执导的一部戰爭片,未知等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  In Skazka, Alexander Sokurov  weaves digi tal magic to create  a phantasmagorical vision of the Afterlife, wo rthy of Dante. But wait: are we in the limbo  of Pu rgatory, or a   paradoxic al Paradise reser ved for notori ous men of world history? Mussolini, Stal in, Hitler, Churc hill an d more: a ll are present a nd accounted   for.  Since they exist  only as archival media imag es, each figure   comes in a seria l set.  In the bla ckes t of political com  edies, these fallen m en beg, in turn, to  be let through He aven’s G ate – b ut the angels who peek through never open w  ide. Little wonder, as the  former leaders wand  er listlessly,  bitching (in a Babel of multiple languages) about e  ach other’s clothes, hair and hy giene.   In wha t is effectively  a work of animati on, Sokurov has p ulled together man y talents in to an  extraordi nary tec hnological feat. It  blends pictorial elements fr om art h isto ry to form an endlessly unfolding landsc ape, reple  te with fog and gho stly armie s of the sacrificed vict ims of h istory. Announc  ed as Sokurov’s last film, Skazka is  an inspi red riff on the high cult  ure of Peter  Greenaway mixed  with the low cu lture o   f mas h-up arti sts Soda_Je rk. Can we now expec  t some entrepren eur to br ing us the inter active Skazka video game  ?  想到那个神出鬼没的东西,印颜的心又剧烈跳动起来,“本 来,昌长老 感觉能按住那条大尾巴,可是,不知怎的, 它突然又厉害起来,然后,那小冥兽,好像鬼魅一般,借着地利,连着抹了西才他们的脖 子,昌长老没办法,才完全放开 了身体的封



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